Integrated Equine Sports Therapy | Our mission is to keep your equine athlete healthy, happy, and as pain free as possible.

We want to be your partner in equine health!

Vaquero Equine Therapy - Jett Wynn

What Is Integrated Therapy?

MagnaWave MAXX

MR4 ActiVet PRO LaserShower

MR4 ActiVet PRO LaserShower Cold Laser Therapy

Jett Wynn - CESMT

Vaquero Equine Therapy - Jett Wynn

Contact us today for an appointment!

Jett Wynn, CESMT - (512) 757-3273

Jo Wynn, CESMT - (830) 931-4808

Proudly serving Central and South Texas

Located in Stockdale, Texas